Above Beyond Roof Replacements

Solar Panels for Your Roof

Written by admin | Apr 11, 2022 12:00:00 PM

Whether you’re looking to reduce your energy costs or assist the planet by using less fossil fuels, solar panels for your home or business offer a multitude of benefits. The key to installing solar panels is having a stable roof for them to be installed on. Checking your roof for damage or ordering a whole new roof before you opt for solar panels is crucial to the process. For all your roof replacement needs, Above & Beyond has you covered with end-to-end service.


Benefits of solar panels

Solar energy is a great way to substantially reduce your carbon footprint. Solar panels use natural and free energy from the sun. You can then use this energy to power your home instead of using fossil fuels. Producing clean and renewable energy is the ultimate way to power your home and it saves you money. Reducing your energy bills as you’re creating your own energy through the sun, solar panels are a low-maintenance addition to your roof.


Can you add Solar Panels?

Adding solar panels is a great idea for any home or business, but finding out that you can’t have them because your roof doesn’t allow it can be disheartening. Checking the condition of your roof is the first step in ensuring you are eligible for solar panels.

Having a stable and solid base for your solar panels is crucial in ensuring the panels are a worthwhile investment. If solar panels are installed onto a damaged roof, it becomes a far more complex process to repair that damage, as you may need to have your solar panels removed to fix your roof.

Ways to assess your roof include checking for algae, moss and piles of leaves, and damaged, old or missing tiles. These signs could mean you need a new roof and could save you money and time in the long run. These issues can mean a whole new roof replacement; one which will be ready for solar panel installation. Ring in the professionals to fix your roof and ensure it is ready for solar panel installation.


Above & Beyond

If your roof is in need of replacement before solar panel installation, Above & Beyond are your people. We offer a range of Colorbond replacement options suitable for solar panels. Above & Beyond roofs provide you with a warranty so you don’t need to worry about removing your panels in the long-term, making both your new roof and your solar panels a worthwhile investment. Contact us today for a quote or more information on what you need before calling the solar panel professionals.